Shalom to all you silver screen sojourners. The Projectionist is keeping it reel once again - some mass esoterica and other anomalies, starting with a nod to the mid-50's evolution of science-fiction, in concert with my latest article at
And now some more random couch memories
Haw hee...and meanwhile back on the ricotta ranch, we've got this one to mosey on down to - John The Bastard (1967) and oh yes I have known many a bastardo in my time and hey come to think of it - most of them were named John! Johns were kind of set up that way, as early as John the Baptist, selling out his homey like that pishaw! Lennon does get a pass though. And what does that have to do with the spaghetti in China? And ye just gotta love that it was only the Armando Crispino helming at the helm, he quilled and directed some complex and chilling giallo. He carved out his career filming Italian commedias starring the glam bam maam Gina Lollobrigida. Mangiare, mangiare, bambinas.
And now its time fer a Melting Pot Screecher Feature. This from 1984 - La Muerte del Chacal or in other words - The Jackal Murders. Now this may not be a giallo proper, but if it walks like a duck and talks a duck and says duck you sucker - then that's a Western starring my man Coburn. But this Mexican feature does follow the leads of gialli and its mucho extrano too.
It's 1956's Indestructible Man, and you can stretch him like Armstrong and throw him off the roof in the middle of rush-hour traffic, tar and feather him and make him write bad cheques, but you won't ever ever break him, oh no sirree. This fellar, he ain't gonna accept any such defeat. Rasputin's got nothing on the chap. Jack Pollexfen, ooh I am liking that surname, directeths. Lon Chaney of the junior variety is the main cast draw and for those about to schlock, we salute you.